Visiting Matsuyama in Ehime prefecture and presenting two perspectives on onsen - the Japanese practice of public bathing in ...
Visiting Matsuyama in Ehime prefecture and presenting two perspectives on onsen - the Japanese practice of public bathing in ...
Thank you for the video Emmy!!
Does your husband speak english? Like fluently?
Sorry again I'm just dying to know!
Whelp that was disappointing.....
Ive never been to Japan but I met Japanese students in the UK, I also have Japanese friends on Facebook, they're amazing beautiful and polite people .. I just hate it when people just go there for the Anime/gaming culture, theres so much to see
WTF Japan... :|
In Argentina we got a "videt" right next to the toilette, it's not automatic, but it's purpose is... cleaning your bum XDD It's THE ONE thing Argentinians miss most when traveling, it's basic
Love from Buenos Aires, emmymadeinjapan <3 <3 <3
I'ld LOVE to go to a japanese bath house :P
I heard that you're not aloud to enter if you have a tattoo :S >~<
Ikr I was like WTH you guys like having water being rapidly sprayed on ur butts! I mean way if a little kid just played around had to go to poo then woosh tons of water
I wanna go to Ehime ken~